For information and quotes

Rubber molds, for more information or quotes on the products and services of Bonardi Stampi Srl in Sarnico, in the province of Bergamo, we suggest you use the following contacts directly, remembering to include the area code when dialing internationally:

We have simplified, for you, the process of sending inquiries with our user-friendly information form, requesting any explanation or clarification will be very easy, just use the form found on the page.

Fill out the form carefully, making sure to provide all the necessary details, once you have properly filled in all the fields , click "Submit Request".

Remember that the more detailed the description, the easier it will be to understand your suitable solution, so we recommend that you enter as much detail as possible.

Our team of experts, always up-to-date and well-prepared, will be ready to provide quick answers and all the clarifications you need, without wasting your time, for maximum satisfaction.

Committed not only to providing quality products, but also to offering a professional and seamless customer service experience, we strive to exceed your expectations. Please do not hesitate to contact us with further questions or to request a custom quote. We are available to answer any questions and guide you through the procurement process, ensuring a safe and optimal buying experience tailored to your specific needs.

While awaiting a response, explore our website and products for additional options or direct clarification on our comprehensive range of services. Bonardi Stampi Srl is dedicated to providing unparalleled expertise and products that meet the highest standards. We look forward to assisting you in every step of your inquiry and purchase journey.